The Buses are Back on the Road Again!
Our local schools were back in session today, so I had to remind myself NOT to be on Allison Lane at about 2:30 this afternoon when the high school kids get out!
Of course, Eler Beth and I started back two weeks ago, but it has been on a very, very limited basis {grin}. Neither of us has really been in the mood for school to start. After a July of relentlessly constant triple-digit temps and heat indices, our August started out unusually cool. This week we're getting back into more normal temps, however. This is August the way August should be, and I'm glad my girl doesn't have to ride a bus or sit in a classroom on these kinds of day.
Eler Beth is a Sophomore this year!! She'll have her driver's permit soon, and she cannot wait. I'm kind of excited about it myself. When I turned 16 you could take your written exam at any time, and you were allowed to take your driving test 30 days after passing the writen one. But having turned 16 in April I opted to wait until July, so that my best friend (whose birthday was in June) and I could take our driver's tests the same day. Things like that were important back then. :)
Speaking of best friends, I have really been enjoying the Facebook Group "You know you're from Breckinridge County if...." I've been reminded of a lot of things I had forgotten, and I found out a few things I hadn't known in the first place. I've been thinking about writing some posts based on some of the FB posts on this group. I've become reacquainted with some friends from High School, and I was pleased to see a post by my best friend's daughter who is now about 26.
Thomas' truck went down last week, and our favorite mechanic is stumped. They're going to do a bit more digging, but I'm thinking of calling Click and Clack on Saturday. lol I see a purchase of another truck in our very near future. I am, at this time, taking Thomas to work at 4 a.m. every morning. If I could get my system to learn to get to sleep a bit earlier each night, I could handle this very well. But right now it is hard to take him to work, get a bit more sleep, and then get up to so some morning schoolwork with Eler Beth. I want to be on a full lesson schedule next week, though, so I'd better figure something out.
Well, I guess that's it. Watch out for those Yellow Buses!
I'll be in one of those yellow buses today! we have a mock school day and go back on Wednesday. My grand sons went back this past Wednesday. I finally got my car fixed after 3 months! I just road my bike as I was NOT going to pay someone to fix something that one of the men folk could do. My husband gets up early too and it's so hard to adjust your sleep. have a great weekend!
School days, I remember them well. And also remember anxiously waiting for my daughters to get their driving licenses, so I could stop taking them everywhere. Glad you and your daughter are enjoying the cooler temps in the month of August. Hope your hubby's car gets fixed soon so you can get those much needed ZZZ's. Take care. If you get a chance... stop by my blog to GUESS what IT is?
Hope you get the truck situation figured out soon.
I have finally figured out that if I go a different way I can avoid all of the school zones except one. It only took my 11 years! LOL It's good to hear from you and know what is going on in your world.
Yeah, those yellow buses are out in full force. I, too try to avoid certain roads especially when the kids are getting out of school.
Love your graphics..........
Hugs, Rose
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