I may be getting a little dusty, but like a favorite good book I'm worth dusting off and reading once in a while. . . I hope!
Thursday, March 31, 2011
Continuing My Education
We've had a busy month. Thomas' work is getting back to normal, thankfully. And although we had a little rerun of winter last week, I think spring is coming back this weekend.
Miss Eler Beth has been busy setting personal goals for herself, and I've set a few of my own. I had the urge this year to go back to school. I have found that when I am planning El's lessons, especially something like her algebra lessons -- something I have to re-learn myself before helping her -- my brain really appreciates the stretching I give it. I have always liked to learn new things just for the sake of learning, and I have come to realize that my brain actually releases endorphins (or, at least, that's how it feels) when I am learning something new. You all know I love literature and grammar. I also love history. I love research. I love geography. I don't love math, but I do love the feeling I get when I have mastered something new in math. I have kept myself sane and out of the dark hole this winter by giving myself lessons in various subjects. So...how to make all that work for me....
Well we have an excellent two-year school here called Ivy Tech. It's inexpensive, and only a few minutes away. Credits and degrees received there can be transferred to Indiana University Southeast (IUS), which is also very close to me. So I gave it a lot of thought and discussed it with Thomas, and I have enrolled at Ivy Tech for the fall semester. I figured I'd be pushing it if I tried for the summer semester. I'm fairly certain I can handle it and everything else in my life, including Eler Beth's schooling. More on what classes I'll be taking later.
My 86-year-old mother had cataracts removed from both eyes this month, and she is doing very well. She had one eye done on the 21st and the other one was done this past Monday, the 28th. When I called her on Tuesday to see how she was doing, she asked me, "Now why did I have to sit in the waiting room for a while before we could leave?" (They put a drop or two of, as the nurse said, "something to relax her" under her tongue, and I think this second time they gave her a bit more because she was a little wobbly and sleepy when the surgery was done.)
I told her, "Because the doctor wanted to check the pressure before you left because you wouldn't be able to see your regular eye doctor before Thursday."
"O...kay," she said slowly. "I remember Eler Beth nudging me to wake me up...So did the doctor see me?"
I had to laugh. "Yes, Mom, don't you remember Lois and Phyllis helping you walk back there?"
"I kind of remember someone helping me walk somewhere. So... What did the doctor say?"
She really was a bit loopy! lol
She'd awakened with a nice appetite by the time we got to Olive Garden.
So, I guess that's about it for now. I was going to revisit some other March posts before the end of the month because I really enjoyed revisiting the ones from 2005, but maybe I'll do March and April next month.
So long for now!
Tuesday, March 15, 2011
I don't post very often now, but I still manage to visit a few blogs each week and to make a post now and then. My first post wasn't much of one, but it garnered a cute comment from Eler Beth, whose screen name was "PrincessElerBeth" at that time. Her comment below:
princesselerbeth said...
I think you should plant patatos.
March 13, 2005 10:23 AM
I made six posts in March of 2005, and three of them featured Eler Beth in their main themes. We're not surprised, are we? She was nine at the time, and in my second post I described her this way (and I don't believe she's changed at all):
My daughter is such an exuberant little thing. She is up for anything, happy just to be "doing"! I wish I had that energy. It isn't just energy, though. She has such pure joy in everything, and when she has a "particular" interest in something she goes all out to learn everything she can about it and to participate fully in the enjoyment of it.She has a particular love of fossils and is her class' authority on the subject! She also loves to fish, garden, take care of her dog (who just had puppies) and a number of other things. When she grows up she says she is going to be a paleontologist, an archaeologist, a geologist, a farmer, a teacher, an artist, and, according to her, in her spare time she will raise horses. Oh to be a nine year old girl again!...I hope nothing ever happens to dim her enjoyment of life. She has the persistence, toughness, the never-say-die attitude that can see her through a lot, but she is also sweet, kind-hearted and trusting.
In my fourth post I listed the good and bad things that had happend during the previous week. That was a good idea, and I wish I'd done that sort of post more often. The good things:
The good things that happened this week: Our four puppies born March 10th opened their eyes Thursday, March 24; Monday was the first day of Spring; I talked to my Mom on the phone and everyone is fine at home; didn't have to call from work to make sure the kids were up because it was Spring Break; I have grape hyacinths coming up in my front plant bed; I was off work Friday,so I was able to be sick at home without wasting any PTO time; Thomas hasn't caught the bug yet!
In my fifth post Eler Beth drew on the powers of "Super Nanny:"
My nine-year old daughter is addicted to these nanny shows! I have to admit they are kind of fun to watch. For me they're fun because I can watch in fascination and say to myself, "Wow, glad my kids aren't that bad." My daughter watches in a kind of fascinated horror. She makes comments like, "That kid is a brat! I'm glad I don't act like that!" Occasionally, though, she slides me a side-long look with a little half-smile on her face that says, "oh-oh, I kinda do that, too." But today she apologized to me for something and after the "I'm sorry, mom," she went on to state exactly what she'd done to be sorry for. Then she said, "Notice what I did? I did what the Super Nanny says to do. I said what I was sorry for." Way to go Super Nanny!
And in my fifth post I reported that Eler Beth wished the word "grounded" had never been invented (and don't worry -- I seem to remember that she didn't miss out on anything special that next night; she just had a little tv taken away):
Those were the words my daughter muttered on her way to bed -- at 11:00!!!
She had kept putting off doing an assignment all week that is due tomorrow, therefore the late night. And while I was trying to help her AND do her hair at the same time I got a little bit of attitude. The attitude didn't improve after a warning, but got worse, therefore the grounding. Now that the hair is done, the assignment complete and in the backpack, and frayed nerves have been smoothed somewhat, regret has set in. Suddenly someone remembers what she's going to be missing out on tomorrow evening if she is grounded. And now she wishes the word had never been invented.
Happy Anniversary Dusty Pages!
I hope you guys enjoyed a bit of a stroll down Memory Lane.