A few days ago Eler Beth observed how cool the temps have been in our area and came to a conclusion."Must be all those people going green!"
Yes, Facebook can be very time-consuming. But this evening I was reminded of one of the reasons I like it so much.
First I saw the name of an old high school classmate of mine in a comment on another friend's profile. So I contacted her, and now we're in touch again. Hours later I logged in to see that I had a friend request from another old classmate of mine -- "OMG, Lori, is that you? It's me!" --, and then only minutes after that, while I was still responding to "OMG", I got a private email from a girl with whom I'd worked at the newspaper before I was married (she was two years ahead of me in school, too), and it was especially wonderful to hear from her. She and I spent a lot of late-night hours putting the paper to bed and getting punchy and silly over nothing. I learned that her son, who was a baby the last time I saw him, is now a college graduate and married, and she has remarried and has two daughters now.
Yes, it is nice to hear from people we haven't seen or heard of in years. To be fair, though, I don't think I'd be spending much time blogging anyway, even without Facebook. I just got out of the mood and out of the mode for a while. However, the past few days I have had entries writing themselves in my mind, so one just might make its way out of my head and into the blogosphere before too long.
This spring has been super busy for me -- graduations, weekend mini-vacations, terms ending, relatives having surgery. (I was SO tempted, Beth, to put "and so on" or "etc." at the end of that sentence, but I didn't, just for you! lol) I've read or skimmed through blogs but have not left many comments lately. We are all well, and busy, and happy, and I guess I can't ask for more than that.
Hope everyone is well out there and enjoying their summer. Ta for now!