Thursday, November 12, 2015

Remiel, The Fennec, 2nd Part

NaBloPoMo #12

All The Nyans Part Four

We heard from Summer, the breeder, on April 13. Her fox had given birth to two males the night before. Eler Beth was ecstatic! One of those two was Remiel!

As I said in the second post of this series, our only concern about getting Remiel was how Bryant would be with him. Bryant is the sweetest, gentlest dog, but he is big, and he is very attached to Eler Beth. Those fears were put to rest the next week when we brought home the orphaned newborn kittens to raise. Bryant went into surrogate daddy mode. He cleaned them and watched over them, was worried if you took them from his sight, and he was very, very gentle with them. He also would not let Little Big, the fox terrier, get near them. So we knew he would be fine with Remi.

Summer kept us updated online and by email with pictures and reports of the babies' progress. We started making plans for our trip in May to pick him up.

Left is pictured the two newborn Fennec Fox kits. I have no idea which one turned out to be Remiel; they were competely identical.

Pictured on the right are the Fennec kits with their step-siblings, Bengal kittens just a bit older than they. Summer hand raises her Fennecs from birth. She bottle feeds them during the day, and then at night she lets her Bengal cat nurse them with her kittens to give Summer a rest. This gives the foxes the socialization they need.

The story will continue in future posts; the next Remiel post will be about our trip down to Pensacola to pick up our fox.

~ ~ Lori


Paula said...

Such a cute pet. So smart of Eler Beth to check it all out in planning to get one for a pet.

Ken Riches said...

Super cute...