Tuesday, January 31, 2017

January 2017 ~~ Full of Positives

Two big things happened this month. Eler Beth turned 21, and Andrew and Alexandria got engaged! 

I could not ever, in a million years, have chosen a better life partner for Andrew than Alexandria. She is a sweetheart. She is funny and true and fierce. She is gentle and smart and exuberant. She knows Andrew's faults and loves him in spite of them. She builds him up where he is lacking, and he builds her up where she is lacking. I have seen them, over the past two+ years, work through problems together, learning the proper way to communicate with one another. Andrew told me once that they suddenly realized that when they have an argument it is usually because one of them hasn't properly understood where the other is coming from. But that once that person is able to explain what's behind the point that one is making or the reason that one is being insistent, then they are able to talk it through. It sounds like a simple thing, but I know couples who have been married for many years who haven't figured that out yet!

Thomas and I are thrilled to have Alexandria as a daughter, and her mother is thrilled to have Andrew as a son. Eler Beth and Alexandria are so very close. Alex is an only child, so now each of them has a sister they didn't have before. They've confided in one another over the years and gone to one another for advice. Eler Beth and Andrew are so very close that not just any woman was going to be able to smoothly enter into that dynamic, but Alex has. She respects their relationship and traditions and gives them space to deal with brother/sister spats when they need to. She hasn't pulled Andrew away from his sister but has just become a part of the glue that keeps them together. 


And my family adores her!



Congratulations. A wonderful moment indeed.

Paula said...

Congratulations to everyone in your family. Birthday, engagement = Happy times.

2023 said...

21 Wow. I remember Eler Beth's blog fairly well. If she ever decides to do that again, please let me know. It was fun getting to know her better.
I am very happy about your family addition. Tentative wedding date yet? Full of Positives is a great way to title that entry.
Andrew & Alex sound very mature for their time. Guys Andrew's age tend really not to be(just my opinion).

Barbara In Caneyhead said...

Lori, congratulations to you and the young couple! The main thing is that that they love and adore each other....but it is a wonderful benefit when the bride fits into the family so well!
I was lucky that way with Bubba's wife, Candi. They are about to have their second child, a boy! Hard to believe Eler Beth is 21, but then again, Hannah is seventeen. Time sure flies!
Barbara from Life & Faith in Caneyhead