Wow! I have really let dust settle on this blog. I guess I just haven't had anything interesting to write about, and it has been really busy around here -- truly. I don't even check my email very often anymore, and I know that's a definite sign of depression. We've had a stressful spring, but in general all is well.
We're enjoying a bit of summer break before I start Eler Beth back on an abbreviated schedule of school. We have found it works best for her if we take a few weeks off and then cover a specific unit of a specific subject for a few weeks, just an hour or two a day, during the summer. Then we'll take a few more weeks off and start a regular schedule in the fall. Then we take a couple weeks off during deer season, a couple weeks off during the holidays, and so on. It makes so much more sense than the way public schools have to do it.
The county school system here didn't get out of school until last Friday!!! I couldn't imagine those poor kids riding a school bus every afternoon in the heat we've been having. I wonder when they'll be going back to school.
Eler Beth can't wait until she turns 15 next year. She wants to take a driver's ed course so she can get her permit early. She's already talking about part-time jobs! (She wants to work at the local Pet Smart -- quelle surprise!) She's going to do some volunteering at a local no-kill shelter, and perhaps the library. Our local library has had to really cut costs, and they are taking on extra volunteers. (We have even discussed both of us becoming docents at The Louisville Zoo.)
I thought I'd try out one of the new blogger templates. This one is kind of cute.
My brother is having another surgery this Thursday. He has an aneurysm in his right carotid artery, the one that was cleaned out about 15 years ago. Two of my sisters and a niece are traveling to Ireland for a couple weeks, leaving this week, and later in the year my sister Maxine is taking our mother on a cruise! Woo Hoo!! My little Mommy will be quite the world traveler! Nothing so exotic for us planned this year, I'm afraid. That month-long strike canceled out a lot of our plans for the year, but I'm pretty easily amused, so I'll survive it.
Well, that's about it for today. Just a quick look-in. I'll try not to let quite so much dust settle before I get back here again.